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Airport Briefing on MAC PRO

Airport Briefing

Complying with the aerodrome competency qualification requirements, it enhances the ability of the crew to identify operational black holes, manage obvious and subtle threats and creates a clear mental model of the environment before getting airborne.

It’s an application that eliminates the surprises of operating to a new airfield or a route that the pilot has never flown before. Using this robust 3D software, the users will experience a visual treat covering every facet of their next flight, empowering their airmanship and decision making by enhancing situational awareness and knowledge.

  • Supported devices:
  • iOS icon
  • Android icon
  • Windows logo
Airport briefing
Airport Briefing app screenshot as a thumbnail for a video
As the acquisition and interpretation of information is highly influenced by expectations, pre-flight briefing is crucial. The idea behind intensive pre-flight briefings is to use multi-media tools to help pilots develop a clear picture of their flight. By being able to ‘fly-through’ the flight in advance, pilots can develop a better mental model of the environment. – Dr. Mica Endsley
Airport Briefing logo

Modular Design

For airlines and airplane operators, Airport Briefing can be highly customized to various operational needs. Through its modular design, from a Situational Awareness tool it can be easily transformed into a comprehensive route and aerodrome manual that is no longer in text, but in a 3-dimensional virtual space.

Airport Briefing app screenshot 1
Module 1

Airport Briefings

Airports3D is the leader among all Airport Briefing modules and the pride of Synapse Aviation

Perfected by aviation and IT gurus, Airport Briefing is driven by a powerful 3D game engine which allows interactive and offline 3D walkthroughs at airports of your choosing from virtually anywhere. This is possible thanks to our sophisticated design with integrated high resolution satellite imagery, digital elevation models, and aeronautical data.

By utilizing an advanced 3D audio-visual approach in media for training, Airport Briefing excels in modern technologies for training and education delivering proven benefits across the board. Airports3D and its carefully designed array of features and functionalities provide an unprecedented briefing and familiarization method.

Follow this link to see the up-to-date List of Available Airports

Main Features
  • 3D Airport Environments

    Explore detailed 3D models of airport environments for a thorough understanding of layout and features.

  • Instrument Procedure Simulation

    Visualize published instrument procedures and OEI (One Engine Inoperative) procedures for clear flight procedure understanding.

  • 3D Weather Simulation Engine

    Experience various weather conditions in 3D for pilot familiarization under different scenarios based on latest METAR and TAF reports.

  • Geo-Referenced 3D Airports

    Accurate 3D airport models for precise positioning and briefing.

  • Simulated Runway Lighting

    Realistic runway and approach lighting depiction for improved nighttime operation familiarity.

  • High-Fidelity Graphics

    Visually stunning, offline, realistic graphics enhance briefing content engagement.

  • Voice Over

    Voice narration for an added layer of briefing content delivery.

  • Dedicated Airport Briefings

    Tailored briefings for specific airports, ensuring relevant information delivery.

  • Extensive 3D Airport Repository

    A vast collection of detailed 3D airport models available for briefings.

  • 3D Scene Editor

    Develop immersive 3D visual briefing content, enhancing briefing depth and effectiveness.

  • Aircraft & Period Effectivity

    Automated content updates and expiration based on selected aircraft and set timelines.

  • Pen Tool

    Annotate and highlight briefing content for customized notes and details.

  • System-Generated Briefing

    Leverage system-generated content for efficient briefing creation.

Airport Briefing app Route Area
Module 2

Route & Area Briefings

Supercharged upgrade to existing company manuals

Complying with the aerodrome competency qualification requirements, the Briefing module is a supercharged upgrade to existing company manuals that deal with route and aerodromes information.

The strength of this module lies in its attention to detail complemented by ancillary functions. Backed by a sophisticated admin platform at the back-end (server side) and a comprehensive client database,the intelligence behind the Briefing module saves valuable time by providing quick access to relevant fleet information.

The Briefing module is highly customizable to cater for various operational needs and company specifics, including airport and aircraft authorizations. The complete system operation requires minimal operator inputs, compatible with existing manpower structures.

Main Features
  • Flight Feature

    Create a flight along with enroute and ETOPS alternates.

  • Enroute Map

    Access tailored and comprehensive enroute navigation objects for complete briefing support.

  • Flight Simulation

    Pre-flight simulation for training and preparation.

  • Own-Ship Symbol

    In-flight position for quick reference to briefing objects.

  • Flight Notes

    Create personal notes attached to a particular flight.

  • Dedicated Route and Area Briefings

    Tailored briefings for specific routes and areas, focusing on relevant information.

  • Flight Brief

    Streamline briefing process with focused content based on the selected flight route.

  • Color Coding and Quick Access to Briefing

    Efficient briefing information access through intuitive design.

  • Aircraft Applicability and Content Filtering

    Filter briefing content by aircraft model for relevance and precision.

Airport Briefing app Administrative Tools
Module 3

Administrative Tools

Developed with perfected balance of features and functionalities

The InteractiveMap is a second module that was built within Airport Briefing which draws power from the 3D engine. This mathematical wizardry was developed with perfected balance of features and functionalities, nothing more and nothing less.

Built with focus on airport relativity and relevancy, this module is all about visual route analysis and contingency planning that is available before and after takeoff. With or without the ownship symbol visible, the InteractiveMap features authorization driven, color company coded airports spread across the globe.

A simulation mode, a distinctive and unique feature that is informative, useful and fun, provides analytical playback of your planned routing identifying all adequate and suitable company airports.

Main Features
  • Review and Approval System

    Structured content review process for accuracy and quality.

  • Integrated Nav Data

    Incorporated accurate aeronautical data by Lido SkyData.

  • Sophisticated Admin Panel

    Advanced administrative tools for content management and creation.

  • User Management

    Manage system users, permissions, and access securely.

  • Briefing Records and Usage Stats

    Analyze engagement and effectiveness of briefing content.

  • Update Mechanism

    Keep briefing content current with a robust update system.

  • Notifications System

    Alerts and updates on briefing content and system changes.

  • Single Sign-On (SSO)

    Simplified and secure user access through SSO functionality.


Airport Briefing

Airport Briefing is a new generation flight operations and training platform, and an ultimate situational awareness tool for any operating aviator.